The ESCOLA project seeks to boost teaching capacities in higher education to access and effectively use digital interactive resources and to envisage how to include such technology into their traditional teaching strategies

More interactive learning experiences have been shown to increase student engagement and participation resulting in improved quality of learning and understanding of the topic. One of the issues faced in the engineering sector is that educators in Higher Education are often lacking the digital pedagogy skills. To tackle this skills deficit, ESCOLA will provide increased access to interactive learning tools for engineering lab classes within higher education institutions. To this end, ESCOLA will develop a new supportive learning environment for engineering classes that will help students to understand and evaluate engineering applications in practice. This learning environment will be introduced to teachers who use engineering labs for their courses, so that they can efficiently improve the quality of learning experience for students with the help of visual and interactive tools.

For more information about the project, please visit our website

Inqubator Leeuwarden