
Social economy represents a relevant sector in Europe, with 2 million enterprises (10 % of all EU businesses) and 14 million paid employees, about 6.5% of the EU workers (EP, 2017). However, this beneficial impact is blocked by different factors: 1) lack of awareness and recognition of social entrepreneurship, 2) lack of general entrepreneurship skills, models and work experience especially among young people, 3) lack of specialised training and education.

EnSoEd – Innovative teacher training in social entrepreneurship – is aimed at supporting the initial and continuous professional development of teachers’ profiles through the application of practical and innovative tools in order to promote social entrepreneurship education in secondary schools. By developing the teachers’ profile and adopting innovative practices and resources, we aim to have a positive impact on the development/improvement of students’ social entrepreneurial spirit.

For more information about this project, please visit our project website.

Inqubator Leeuwarden