We use the Business Model Canvas (BMC) to really gain insights into your company and in order to show you which different parts of your company require attention in order for growth. We will then help you identify your client base, how you will reach out to and retain them, what your product’s unique features are and so on.
Every two weeks, you will have a meeting with the Inqubator team. In the first week this will be with the BMC, and following this you propose bi-weekly milestones that can be tracked in subsequent meetings. This helps you work in a structured way and makes sure that all of your steps are well-reasoned.
Student Entrepreneurs can participate in knowledge-sharing events, meetings and symposiums at no extra cost. Every last Thursday of the month, all entrepreneurs are invited to come together so that they can learn from each other and give informal updates on their activities in the last month.
We are kindly sponsored by and have a structural co-operation with the various educational institutes in Leeuwarden, and so students have the incredible opportunity to take part in the Inqubator for only 20 Euros per month.